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Traveler - Issues processing MIME mails

Detlev Poettgen  Mai 7 2015 12:58:47 PM
During the last two days a few of our customers told me, that they are having issues after updating Traveler to the latest version

IBM already send a non official Hotfix Build Level 201505011235_30 to one of my customers, which solved the issues.

FIX LIST for Hotfix Build Level 201505011235_30:

- All of the APARs included in plus
- LO84747 - Some Mime Audio/Wav files are not getting synched to the device correctly
- LO84790 - ParseException: Expected ';', got  "xxxx" on malformed mime content type.
- LO84792 - Email on Verse client has zero byte attachment called ./alternative
- LO84845 - Large mime email bodies with extended ascii characters are not readable

If you are seeing the same issues, then you should open a PMR and request the Hotfix.

Update 26.05.2015:

A new Hotfix available (FIX BUILD LEVEL:  201505201921_30) with some additional APAR fixes:


- All of the APARs included in plus:
- LO84144 - Appointment instance change may not sync to iOS device in some scenarios. Set NTS_CALENDAR_DELETEADD_APPLE_APPOINTMENTS=true in Traveler server(s) notes.ini to enable fix.  
- LO84747 - Some Mime Audio/Wav files are not getting synched to the device correctly
- LO84756 - Removing last invitee from meeting os iOS does not remove invitee from server.
- LO84790 - ParseException: Expected ';', got  "xxxx" on malformed mime content type.
- LO84792 - Email on Verse client has zero byte attachment called ./alternative
- LO84845 - Large mime email bodies with extended ascii characters are not readable
- LO84861 - Meeting notices deleted from device are not removed from non-inbox folders
- LO84939 - After enabling Trash sync iOS device may get an error trying to delete an item.
- LO84941 - Setting OOO from Companion without a device ID sometimes causes severe errors on server.
- LO84943 - Convert out of office start and end times back to client time zone and include time zone ID in OOO profile document.
- LO84947 - Cleanup fails during defrag on standalone server.
- LO84957 - Traveler handling non-repeat as repeating event.
- LO85028 - Attachment error "Internal Error: Debug Data: Could not find file attachment"
- LO85031 - Traveler task Crashes when processing invalid mime document
- LO85057 - Attachments not downloading "Could not find file attachment ... Entry not found in index"


1Ray Bilyk  05/07/2015 6:37:32 PM  Traveler - Issues processing MIME mails

This is why we waited to install Now there's issues with

Come on IBM! Give us a break!!!

2Matteo Bisi  05/08/2015 9:23:01 PM  Traveler - Issues processing MIME mails

Thanks for your post Detlev ! Have a nice week

3Florian Gys  05/20/2015 8:22:12 AM  Traveler - Issues processing MIME mails

I have same issues, and while the hotfix you talk about correct some errors, there is still a lot of mime errors...

4Martin Garrels  05/26/2015 9:18:31 AM  Traveler - Issues processing MIME mails

I got a new Hotfix today (FIX BUILD LEVEL: 201505201921_30) with some additional APAR fixes:


All of the APARs included in plus:

- LO84144 - Appointment instance change may not sync to iOS device in some scenarios.

Set NTS_CALENDAR_DELETEADD_APPLE_APPOINTMENTS=true in Traveler server(s) notes.ini to enable fix.

- LO84747 - Some Mime Audio/Wav files are not getting synched to the device correctly

- LO84756 - Removing last invitee from meeting os iOS does not remove invitee from server.

- LO84790 - ParseException: Expected ';', got "xxxx" on malformed mime content type.

- LO84792 - Email on Verse client has zero byte attachment called ./alternative

- LO84845 - Large mime email bodies with extended ascii characters are not readable

- LO84861 - Meeting notices deleted from device are not removed from non-inbox folders

- LO84939 - After enabling Trash sync iOS device may get an error trying to delete an item.

- LO84941 - Setting OOO from Companion without a device ID sometimes causes severe errors on server.

- LO84943 - Convert out of office start and end times back to client time zone and include time zone ID in OOO profile document.

- LO84947 - Cleanup fails during defrag on standalone server.

- LO84957 - Traveler handling non-repeat as repeating event.

- LO85028 - Attachment error "Internal Error: Debug Data: Could not find file attachment"

- LO85031 - Traveler task Crashes when processing invalid mime document

- LO85057 - Attachments not downloading "Could not find file attachment ... Entry not found in index"

5Detlev Poettgen  05/26/2015 10:08:35 AM  Traveler - Issues processing MIME mails

Thx - for sharing.

Will add it to the post.

6Andres Giuffre  06/02/2015 10:58:57 PM  Traveler - Issues processing MIME mails

We're having many crashes since installation of I could see errors like this:

WARNING (32): Invalid POOL (0x0a01) free end signature 0x0000 @25429208

WARNING (32): Invalid POOL (0x0a01) free end signature 0xffff @33149768

WARNING (32): Invalid POOL (0x0a01) free end signature 0x0000 @32992216

WARNING (3): can't get process 0x19a4 status

WARNING (3): can't get process 0x96c status

WARNING (0): failed to match open view DBH=249

WARNING (0): failed to match open view DBH=251

WARNING (0): failed to match open view DBH=91

WARNING (0): failed to match open view DBH=230

WARNING (0): failed to match open view DBH=236

ERROR (0): got system exception: ACCESS_VIOLATION (3221225477)

ERROR (0): operation failed: Checking POOL BLK_OPENED_NOTE-- got system exceptio

n: ACCESS_VIOLATION (3221225477)

IBM suggested to upgrade to I'll do that tonight.

7Detlev Poettgen  06/03/2015 7:55:08 AM  Traveler - Issues processing MIME mails

Hi Andres,

would recommend an update to, too.

It is available since Friday.

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